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7. safety

Both you and your guests need to feel safe when you rent out your space.  Below are our recommendations on how to provide a safe stay for both hosts and guests.

Hosting safely

We recommend that you always communicate and do business through Airbnb’s platform.  Always check a potential guest’s profile and read their reviews.  Make sure they are verified and ask them to get verified if they are not.  Trust your instincts, if you are not comfortable with a guest, contact Airbnb immediately.

Home safety & responsible hosting

Airbnb has a helpful list of responsible hosting principles, including providing a fire extinguisher and first aid kit, giving your guest all your contact information, and informing them clearly of the location of exits.

Hosts need to establish safe occupancy limits, and identifying and making common hazards like exposed wires or a lose stair railing safe.  If you are unable to fix the hazard, make sure you mark it conspicuously and inform the guest as soon as they arrive.


Hosts are also responsible for their guests’ privacy, which includes notifying them if you have cameras or other recording devices in the rental.

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 by Laura Sesana. 

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